Deuce Drone Inc.

Deuce Drone Inc.

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Same day delivery that doesn’t break the bank - that’s every retailer’s dream. The fact is, store owners must have high-speed order fulfillment if they are going to successfully compete with Amazon.

The problem is the last mile of delivery to the consumer’s doorstep is so expensive! The cost of that final leg of the journey represents more than half of total delivery expense. Meanwhile, with traffic and so many stops to make, it just takes too long for packages to arrive at their final destination.

We help solve the last mile delivery problem for brick and mortar retailers by enabling drone shipment from existing stores. Leveraging clients’ current infrastructure, we design, build, and operate drone delivery systems, transforming retail stores into customer fulfillment centers.

Deuce Drone provides a cost-effective, technology-driven solution for same-day delivery that allows retailers to compete with major e-commerce players.

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