Latest News on private equities market

Stimulus bill won't extend payment pause for student loan borrowers

In the final negotiations over the next stimulus package, a key provision to help student loan borrowers was nixed.

4 years ago

Lockheed Martin buys Aerojet Rocketdyne to better compete with Musk's SpaceX, Bezos' Blue Origin

Lockheed Martin intends to buy Aerojet Rocketdyne, a deal adds assets it seeks to compete against the likes of SpaceX.

4 years ago

Even some millionaires are cutting back on holiday spending due to Covid

Nearly a quarter of millionaires surveyed by CNBC said that they'd spend less this year compared to the 2019 holiday season amid the coronavirus pandemic.

4 years ago

Pain, despair and poverty reach fever pitch for unemployed workers

It's been nine months since the coronavirus pandemic led to mass joblessness. Three American workers are a microcosm of the plight that has resulted.

4 years ago

Elliott tries to turn around a decade-long laggard with new real estate investment

Elliott has nominated six directors to the Public Storage board to oversee a more aggressive growth strategy.

4 years ago

Traders brace for wild action and historic volume ahead of Tesla's entry into the S&P 500

Electric vehicle maker Tesla is poised to enter the S&P 500 in what will be the largest rebalancing in the history of that index.

4 years ago

Emergency savings are key to combating financial fragility – but Americans need more help

The best way to combat the financial fragility is helping Americans build and maintain an emergency savings fund, according to experts.

4 years ago

Don't forget to check your retirement plan. Here are moves to make before the year is out

Assessing your retirement plan can make sure your savings goals are on track. If not, there are things you can do to course-correct.

4 years ago

Technology Trends & Industries to Watch in 2021

As we move into 2021, we’re taking a look at the technology trends and industries that are anticipated to see notable growth in the coming year and beyond. Continue reading

4 years ago

Big investors new to cryptocurrencies appear to be behind bitcoin's rally to a record

A herd of new, institutional investors are scooping up bitcoin this year as the price more than doubles.

4 years ago

Canadian CI Financial: Completes $72MM Bitcoin Fund IPO

Bloomberg | Kevin Orland | Dec 16, 2020 Canadian mutual fund manager CI Financial Corp. completed a $72 million initial public offering of a Bitcoin fund to help clients access the cryptocurrency in the midst of an eye-catching rally. The IPO consisted of units sold at C$12.88 ($10) apiece, CI Financial said in a statement

The post Canadian CI Financial: Completes MM Bitcoin Fund IPO first appeared on National Crowdfunding & Fintech Association of Canada.

4 years ago

Average debt held by oldest households jumped nearly 39% over last decade

In families headed by someone age 75 or older, average debt jumped to $44,828 in 2019 from $32,294 in 2010, new research shows.

4 years ago

Republican senators spar over whether second $1,200 stimulus checks are necessary

As lawmakers rush to pass new Covid relief, two Republican senators faced off on Friday over whether more direct $1,200 payments are needed.

4 years ago

Fed allows banks to resume share buybacks, JPMorgan shares jump 5%

The Fed announced that it will allow the nation's largest banks to resume share buybacks — with certain rules.

4 years ago

Senators spar over whether second $1,200 stimulus checks are necessary

As lawmakers rush to pass new Covid relief, two Republican senators faced off on Friday over whether more direct $1,200 payments are needed.

4 years ago