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Despite Covid cases rising, more colleges plan to reopen in the spring

A steep drop in enrollment has caused many colleges and universities to reconsider remote learning.

4 years ago

While IPOs for Airbnb and DoorDash skyrocketed this week, don't buy hype, experts say

Even though IPOs have been on a tear this year, experts say investors should proceed with caution before buying into hype.

4 years ago

Cramer calls IPO pricing ‘broken’ and ‘embarrassing’ after Airbnb, DoorDash debuts skyrocket

"This is what happened in 1999 where the syndicate desks completely misjudged the public," CNBC's Jim Cramer said.

4 years ago

Are You an Accredited Investor Under the SEC’s Updated Definition?

The SEC has amended the definition of an accredited investor. Learn about the revised definition and how to update your status with MicroVentures. Continue reading

4 years ago

5 Drivers Behind the Sustainable Investing Shift

Visual Capitalist | Iman Ghosh | Dec 9, 2020 Against all odds, sustainable investing in the U.S. smashed records in 2020. Estimated net flows reached $20.9 billion in the first six months alone—that’s nearly equal to the amount of new money invested in all of 2019. What is driving the shift to sustainable investing? This

The post 5 Drivers Behind the Sustainable Investing Shift first appeared on National Crowdfunding & Fintech Association of Canada.

4 years ago

Sens. Bernie Sanders and Josh Hawley team up in push for second $1,200 stimulus checks

The two senators are reaching across the aisle in a bid to make sure second $1,200 stimulus checks make the final cut in any legislation.

4 years ago

Here's how the eviction crisis could increase the spread of Covid in the US

Evictions cause coronavirus cases and deaths to spike, one study found. CNBC talked to the researchers about why that is and what could be done to prevent it.

4 years ago

These programs could help 12 million Americans whose unemployment benefits run out in December

Roughly 12 million Americans will lose unemployment benefits at the end of the year. These federal programs could help them with bills, food and housing

4 years ago

Here's everything the Federal Reserve could do at its policy meeting next week

The Federal Reserve heads into its meeting next week in a familiar place, with a teetering economy that could be in further danger.

4 years ago

4 Ways the Startup Landscape Will Shift in 2021

Inc. | Joel Comm | Dec 8, 2020 This year, Covid-19 defined the rules of the game. Startups pivoted their products, sought new sources of funding and, in all sorts of other ways, did their best to stay alive. As the economy slowly but surely recovers, entrepreneurs and investors are looking ahead to next year's

The post 4 Ways the Startup Landscape Will Shift in 2021 first appeared on National Crowdfunding & Fintech Association of Canada.

4 years ago

Grab your checkbooks, college can cost as much as $70,000 a year

When adding in room and board and other expenses, the total college tab can be more than $70,000 a year.

4 years ago

Avoid these mistakes when divvying up assets in a divorce

If you are considering divorce or are already in the midst of it, be aware that division-of-asset mistakes can result in unanticipated taxes.

4 years ago

Nonprofit helps Latina women address stark race, gender disparities amid the Covid crisis

Job losses and reduced wages have created a cascading crisis in housing, food, and economic stability for many women and families during the Covid pandemic.

4 years ago

Op-ed: The financial outlook for the Hispanic small business community in 2021

The majority of Latino business owners are in sectors that took a big hit from Covid-19, and they've been half as likely as White owners to receive PPP loans.

4 years ago

Mellody Hobson, new chair of the Starbucks board, is a big champion of financial literacy

Ariel Investments' Mellody Hobson rose from a childhood of financial insecurity into an investing powerhouse and philanthropist.

4 years ago