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How big businesses in Singapore are managing the challenges of coronavirus

From leading crisis relief efforts to supporting other companies, CNBC Make It looks at how multinationals from three of Singapore's leading industries are trying to spark economic recovery for businesses — and to bring the community along with them.

4 years ago

She thought unemployment benefits were coming. Two months later, eviction loomed

Jennifer Moon has waited more than two months for unemployment benefits in Georgia. Her landlord threatened to evict her and her son.

4 years ago

Medicare coverage could expand under a Biden presidency

Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden wants to expand Medicare coverage and eligibility, as well as ease costs for prescription drugs, despite challenges at play.

4 years ago

In-House vs. Outsourced Startup Marketing: Which is Right for Your Startup?

There are pros and cons to both in-house and outsourced startup marketing. Learn how to decide which makes sense for your startup’s needs. Continue reading

4 years ago

Out with clothes, in with tech: How to rethink your back-to-school budget as coronavirus alters fall plans

With many schools across the country going virtual, or offering part-time distant learning, parents are rethinking what their kids will need as the school year gets underway.

4 years ago

Jeffrey Ubben's new fund Inclusive Capital bets on microgrids amid California blackouts

Ubben is the lead investor in a new venture aimed at bringing renewable energy to small and medium-sized commercial buildings.

4 years ago

What Joe Biden plans to do for student loan borrowers

A Joe Biden presidency could mean big changes for people with student loans. The Democratic candidate is promising to forgive some of the debt, slash borrowers' monthly payments and allow them to walk away from their debt in bankruptcy.

4 years ago

This map shows where states stand on the extra $300 weekly unemployment benefits

More states are starting to apply, and be approved, for federal unemployment assistance. Here's a map of where states stand.

4 years ago

The payroll tax holiday will kick off in two weeks. Your employer isn't ready

The clock is ticking on the start of the employee payroll tax reduction that President Trump has issued via an executive order. Businesses and payroll providers are concerned it will be hard to put it into effect by Sept. 1.

4 years ago

Watch out for hidden fees as colleges pass Covid-related expenses on to students

For colleges, there is no shortage of expenses associated with on-campus instruction during the pandemic. Some schools are passing along those higher costs to students.

4 years ago

El-Erian says coronavirus devastation of small businesses threatens capitalism in the U.S.

"If you want capitalism to be sustained, you need buy-in from a lot of people. You cannot get buy-in if it's all about large corporations," economist Mohamed El-Erian told CNBC on Thursday.

4 years ago

6 things women shouldn't do when starting a business

Three entrepreneurs who started successful businesses caution women against the top six mistakes they might be likely to make.

4 years ago

'Unabashed' capitalist Kevin O'Leary: 'I don't think Biden is going to hurt the markets at all'

"All of these 'wonderful ideas' about green this and green that, none of that's going to be implemented," the "Shark Tank" investor told CNBC on Thursday. "He's got to keep people employed."

4 years ago

This lender wants to close the racial wealth gap and 'put poverty out of business'

Community Development Financial Institutions, which provide banking and loan services to low-income communities, may be the best kept secret in the banking world.

4 years ago

What to expect from Biden-Harris on tech policy, platform regulation, and China

Brookings | Darrell M. West and Nicol Turner Lee | Au 13, 2020 Democratic candidate Joe Biden’s decision to put U.S. Senator Kamala Harris on his ticket means that we now have the fall lineup against Republicans Donald Trump and Mike Pence. Biden’s historic choice to put a prominent and well-respected African American woman on

4 years ago