Latest News on private equities market

The unemployment rate fell in July. Here's why that's important

The unemployment rate, typically a measure of financial hardship, fell to 10.2% in July.

4 years ago

Last call: Governors roll back hours instead of reopenings as bars take blame for coronavirus surge

"Last call" orders to maintain public health in restaurants and bars will hurt establishments financially and won't help to solve the problem, owners say.

4 years ago

Are you making smart money moves during the pandemic? Learn how to achieve your financial goals with this quiz

Learn how to make smart decisions that will enable you to reach your financial goals.

4 years ago

Loss of $600-a-week unemployment boost leaves many Americans in a precarious state

As Republicans and Democrats spar over the shape of the next stimulus package, Americans are reeling from the loss of the $600 federal unemployment benefit.

4 years ago

Pandemic home remodeling is booming: Here's what your neighbors are doing

Sheltering in place has homeowners wanting to improve their places. Demand for home remodeling soared in June, with outdoor spaces the most popular projects.

4 years ago

Buffett's Berkshire expected to post a quarterly earnings surge as market comeback boosts portfolio

Investors are preparing for a variety of news in Berkshire Hathaway's second-quarter earnings report this weekend.

4 years ago

'Super savers' make these sacrifices to help them reach their goals

Saving for retirement, an emergency fund and other goals often involves giving up some — but not all — of life's luxuries, a report shows.

4 years ago

Global Survey on Impact of Covid-19 and Recession Risk: Fintech and Financial Institutions

Norton Rose Fulbright | July 2020 Financial institutions, including banks, asset/fund managers and insurers, as well as established FinTech businesses and start-ups, have been presented with major disruptive events with the advent of COVID-19 and national lockdowns, and with the impending risk of global or regional recessions. How are financial institutions and FinTechs responding to

4 years ago

The 3 moves to make just after you've been laid off

Get everything that's coming to you when you're laid off, starting with health insurance.

4 years ago

Quicken Loans parent sells shares in IPO below target to raise $1.8 billion

Rocket Companies, the parent of U.S. mortgage lender Quicken Loans, said its initial public offering (IPO) was priced at $18 per share on Wednesday, below a target range, and that it sold fewer shares than planned.

4 years ago

Here's how to handle your Medicare coverage if you're moving to another state

Be sure to familiarize yourself with the rules that apply to Medicare when you move to a new state, including how long you get to switch your coverage.

4 years ago

Hurting without the $600 jobless benefit? Money moves to make now if you've been laid off or furloughed

The 30 million Americans who have been furloughed or laid off during the Covid-19 crisis are no longer getting their $600 unemployment boost. If you are one of them, experts suggest making these money moves right now.

4 years ago

SPAC Explained: What is a Special Purpose Acquisition Company?

Learn how Special Purpose Acquisition Companies (SPAC) are gaining interest as an alternative to the traditional IPO process. Continue reading

4 years ago

Jim Cramer on relief bill delay: 'If we don't have a deal, we've got to have a sell-off'

"It's not like we can just avoid a deal and say it doesn't matter. And that's what I'm getting concerned about," CNBC's Jim Cramer said Thursday.

4 years ago

Goldman names new head of digital assets in bet that blockchain is the future of financial markets

The appointment of Mathew McDermott means the newest face of blockchain and cryptocurrency on Wall Street isn't a starry-eyed bitcoin evangelist, but a 46-year-old veteran of old-school financing markets.

4 years ago