Latest News on private equities market

The billionaires and country clubs that received small business loans from the government

The individuals and companies that received more than $150,000, included large companies and billionaires that had access to other sources of capital and have recovered quickly from the coronavirus pandemic.

4 years ago

Use these 6 tips to teach your kids lifelong money lessons during the pandemic

Plenty of people find it hard to make good financial decisions. We can hardly expect kids to navigate the world of money without some guidance from their parents.

4 years ago

New regime needed to take on tech giants

Competition Markets Authority | Release | Jul 1, 2020 The CMA is calling on the government to introduce a new pro-competition regulatory regime to tackle Google and Facebook’s market power. The dynamic nature of digital advertising markets and the types of concerns identified by the Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) in its market study are

4 years ago

States rush to keep afloat businesses crushed by the pandemic

The Covid-19 crisis and the economic fallout has states fighting harder than ever for business and jobs.

4 years ago

New rules for international students could cost U.S. colleges $41 billion

Amid the coronavirus crisis, many international students might not be able to study in the U.S., which could cause a major disruption in our college system.

4 years ago

Social Security's trust funds at a greater risk for running dry amid pandemic. What that means for your retirement

For many, Social Security benefits are the backbone of their retirement income. But the system's trust funds could be at greater risk of running out due to the economic downturn. Here's what experts are saying, and what that means for those hoping to retire.

4 years ago

Blackout Day looks to tap the rising power of the Black consumer

Black American consumers are hoping to make the financial and economic community pay attention Tuesday by using the power of purse.

4 years ago

How to handle your Medicare coverage if you move to another state

Depending on where you're moving, your Medicare coverage may not be much different, other than a new policy number. In some cases, though, you might end up wanting to make more substantive changes, depending on cost and plan availability.

4 years ago

Fraud at China's Luckin is a 'great morality tale' for investors, says analyst

The Luckin Coffee fraud scandal was a "great morality tale" for markets, and more needs to be done to protect American investors from such cases, said an analyst, who called a bill to delist Chinese companies in the U.S. essentially toothless.

4 years ago

Op-ed: Investors should watch how companies are retooling their sales efforts to meet coronavirus challenges

Many companies need to reimagine their sales efforts amid the pandemic.

4 years ago

Refinancing your mortgage could put cash in your pocket — here's how to find out if it's right for you

Low rates have many Americans looking to refinance, yet several factors should be taken into consideration before you sign on the dotted line.

4 years ago

Covid-19 could upend plans for older workers who want to retire

The coronavirus crisis comes at a bad time for older workers who are getting ready to retire soon. New research takes a look at how well these people can work from home or find new employment if they need to. Results are mixed.

4 years ago

Trump administration releases partial list of companies that got small business relief loans

The Paycheck Protection Program was set up as part of the CARES Act relief law to help companies retain employees during coronavirus lockdowns.

4 years ago